He have finally reached the final phrase of development.
For those of you who don't know about it yet, that means we won't have development polls anymore, nor demos. Why?
Because now we'll focus sorely on bugfixing, polishing and finishing up the game for release on Christmas.
The weekly threads will still be created and changelog will still be posted, but no more SAVE FILES AND MERGING BUGS, HAHAHAHAHUEHUE.
I must thank you all, without you, this project would be just another failed one in my HD, and not the first full-length, not intentionally shitty game /v/ has actually made together.
And the full install for this final DEMO is out! Get it in the list of links to the left! We have finally reached a wider TL;DR audience!
Also, new version of Joe McBig's FREEDOOM is out! Actually fight terrorists this time!
And a dropbox mirror to the Dancing Weed Everyday minigame.