The demo has been ready since 12 o' fucking clock, but this piece of shit Internet I'm having to bear with simply won't upload it.
So, sit tight and wait because the demo is ready and being slowly delivered by virtual monkeys who'd rather shove bananas up their asses than deliver shitty RPG Maker games.
Don't need to get upset, because every second I spend using this internet causes my brain cells to deteriorate at a high rate and my chance of getting a stroke multiply.
-Created the Kung Pow section, with a recruitable and fightable Chosen One, with 8(!) new skills, some of them with cut-ins and special effects and animations. And the Gopherchucks, of course.
-Added a new section: Abandoned Lab, featuring gregor, by Flairguy, alongside a new item, some skills and equipment pieces.
-Updated the MGS section by Assholedemon, adding and fixing many things. But its still unfinished, and might be a little bugged.
-Replaced the "Implying Im not Rocking your shit" song with a new, better version in the Audio Pack 4.
-Fixed bug in the Iceberg which locked the player in place.