The patch is done and being uploaded, but because I'm at my father's house, with legit BR internet, I have to suffer through the majestic Transfer rate of
7.6 KB/sec. So sit tight because the night gonna be long as shit.
I suggest the highest punishment for the most horrible crimes and the most dangerous criminals would be "Perfom basic tasks using BR internet".
BTW, here's the changelog:
-Blizzard spell renamed to BLIZZAGA to better appeal to the Gamer audience.
-Ikazo actually learns Raiden Slash in the Space Station 13.
-Enemies in the SS13 are no longer PS3 gaems.
-Forest Battle event not initializing the player's HP fixed.
-Sniper Elite skill animation redone and added as Crab Nicholson's ultimate.
-World map events happen less often.
-Glitched Dragon random event "fixed".
-Updated the rival party members' sprites.
-Renamed the Hamburguer weapon "McFreedom Fighter", to separate it from the Hamburguer item soon to be implemented.
-Made players actually learn the Dark Lord's Pitch when they defeat him and choose so.